For almost a century the Mt Marshall & Districts Community Show has brought our community together, acknowledging and rewarding the hard work of our primary producers and providing a venue for our rural families to meet up and socialise. It has also provided a wonderful opportunity for businesses, not-for-profit organisation and community groups to showcase and promote their products and services.

Trading Hours

As a stall holder you will be required to trade from 11.00am until 4.00pm and have the choice of operating your display from inside the complex building or outdoors on the grassed area under a marquee, if requested. For all stalls, bump in will be from 7.30am and bump out will be from 4.00pm.


If you would like us to advertise your business prior to the Show through our local paper advertisements and social media outlets we will happily do so free of charge. If you have a Facebook page, logo or website which you would like promoted, please include this on your application form.

Stall Holder Site Fee

The site fee is kept to a minimum to give our community a wider range of displays and to give businesses of all sizes the opportunity to attend.

The site fee is $30.00. Tables must be supplied by yourself or you can hire them for $5.00 each. If you require an extra-large site, please advise on the Application Form. The site fee also includes Gate Entry for two (2) adults and two (2) chairs.

If you require power, please supply your own extension cords. We will endeavour to accommodate you as close to a power source as possible.

There is no charge for not-for-profit organisations and community groups however an Application Form will still need to be completed and returned.

Certificate of Currency

All stall holders will be required to supply a Certificate of Currency with their Application Form.


If you require accommodation for the weekend, we have the following options available:

  • Free Camping – This is available over the whole weekend at the Recreation Complex grounds, with shower and toilet facilities available.
  • Units, Cabins and Caravan Park – Please contact the Shire Office on 9685 1202 if you wish to make a booking.

If there are any further queries, please text a message to Carrie Woodfield on 0429 843 689 or send an email to

Stallholders Registration